Download TAD Designer Lite installer

Current version is (06-03-2025 0:0:0 IST)
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Thank you for your interest in TAD.
Please click here to download the installer If you do not register at our community, you can try out TAD in demo mode.Keep the Discord teamTAD community open, when installing. Someone or the other may be present who will help when installing
You would need to have a free membership at our teamTAD community at Discord to install and use full version of TAD.

Please click this link to become a member of our Discord teamTAD community. Once you become a member at Discord, our BOT "tadmainbot" will send you a direct message in a minute. Please read that message carefully.

We have simplified the installer a lot. Now it does not ask you any questions regarding membership However when you run TAD for the first time, you would need to authenticate it. You can either run TAD in demo mode or use the username of your Discord account for the teamTAD community there.

Why Discord?
This username you chose at Discord would be used to protect the data produced by you in TAD. Also, this method gives you full privacy. We dont really need your email address.But we will be grateful if you can give it, so that we can email critical messages; as well as ocassional newsletters.

TAD is a product of love from a very small team. We will be in the same Discord community to help you. No more sending out emails that gets lost. It is hoped that as TAD grows, the entire community will help each other. Also; from version 7.0 TAD will become open-source. Hence this is a good preparation for that milestone.

What is Discord?
It is a system to create communities on the Internet. Though it started off for gaming, now many different communities dealing with technology, art, science, etc are also hosted there. Once you join Discord, you can even join many other communities with the same credentials.